This Is How You Can Reduce Damage From Friction

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Understanding The Way Industrial Equipment Works

For quite some time, I was really struggling with the concept of understanding how manufacturing tasks worked. I wanted to make sure that my knowledge matched what I needed to do at work, so I started researching more and more about how different things worked. I found a really fantastic website that talked all about industrial things, and it was fantastic to find out how various things worked. On this website, read more to learn how industrial equipment works, so you can do what you can to make the manufacturing world a safer, happier place. Check out these great posts for tips and tricks on industrial concepts.


This Is How You Can Reduce Damage From Friction

22 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Friction is one of the top causes of long-term damage to moving parts in equipment. A little friction here and there might not seem like something that could take out a piece of equipment, but over time, repeated friction can make machinery come to a halt. So your best chance of preventing that work stoppage is to reduce the amount of friction the parts of a machine have to deal with. The problem is especially bad for parts made of rubber and plastic. Metal can certainly suffer damage from friction, but rubber and plastic can wear down more quickly. For those materials, custom-made parts are best.

Custom Made Equals Custom Fit

Custom made is such a big deal because a custom-made part is one that has a custom fit. You don't have to worry about there being too much space around the part or having to shove the part into place because it's just small enough to barely fit the space. It is still possible to have a custom-made part that isn't quite perfect in its fit, but it will still be within a very close margin.

Custom Fit Equals Smoother Operation

Custom fit means the equipment around that part and dependent on that part will work more smoothly. There will be fewer vibrations and fewer bumps as the machinery works because the part won't have extra room in which to rattle about.

Smoother Operation Equals Less Friction

And, of course, that smoother operation means that there will be less friction. Fewer bumps mean fewer incidences of the side of the part bumping into another part.

Less Friction Equals Less Damage

The less friction the part is exposed to, the less damage occurs in a shorter amount of time. In other words, if you have one part that is exposed to a lot of friction, and another part that isn't exposed to all that friction, the first part will wear out before the second part. Both will eventually need maintenance and replacement, but the first part will have to undergo that much sooner than the second part.

Whenever you can, get rubber and plastic parts custom made. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble over time, and any higher initial costs could pay for themselves shortly. Once you realize that you don't have to replace parts as often as you did before, you'll understand why custom-made rubber products seem to be so coveted.